Workshop @ MMB 2023: Dealing with Stress & Building Resilience in a Creative (and Chaotic) Environment

Pe 5 septembrie, de la 10:00, voi ține un workshop în cadrul conferinței MMB – adică Mastering the Music Business, prima conferință de music business din România.

Mă bucur că am primit oportunitatea să contribui un pic la această industrie în cadrul căreia mi-am început cariera și care o să-mi fie mereu dragă. happy Mai jos detalii despre ce pregătesc.

MMB 2023: București, 5-7 septembrie, hotel Caro și club Expirat.
Programul complet aici:


Dealing with Stress & Building Resilience in a Creative (and Chaotic) Environment

The music business is anything but a calm work environment. On the contrary: it’s a dynamic, fast-paced, uncertain and occasionally chaotic industry (well, it’s not the only one like this, but here it seems to be more the norm than the exception compared to other creative fields).

While working in the music industry, in her 20s, Cristina Chipurici, experienced a couple of burnouts before she discovered the answers to several crucial questions: Why does her body react like this under pressure? What are her triggers? And how can she address them effectively? She learned strategies to enhance her resilience within the creative yet fast-paced, uncertain, and sometimes chaotic environment in which she worked. Now, she will bring more awareness to this subject and share a few of the principles she wished she had known back in those days.


Cristina Chipurici is a curious content creator who has been writing online since 2006. She has various experiences in digital marketing and the music business.

Her career began in 2007 as a journalist when she co-founded one of the most-read music blogs in Romania. With a passion for creating engaging content and an entrepreneurial spirit, she has founded several successful content projects. She also worked as a PR and manager for independent hip-hop artists and studied Music Business at Berklee Online (Berklee College of Music).

Driven by the desire to help others avoid the mistakes she made, she now writes a weekly newsletter called Friday Read. In the newsletter, she shares lessons she learned from personal experience and book recommendations. Her writing often focuses on personal development, leadership, habit-building, and productivity. She also hosts workshops, works one-on-one with people, and records a podcast where she talks with change makers.

Cristina’s personal journey has led her to become a respected guide for others seeking to improve their lives. She inspires others to adopt healthy habits and find balance in their personal and professional lives while being true to themselves. Cristina guides others to become more productive while remaining human. She encourages them to control their attention and energy while remaining antifragile when chaos strikes. She also helps them discover tools for managing their attention and time, obtaining energy and clarity, and having fun in the process.

In her spare time, Cristina is training for long-distance mountain trail running competitions and studying Applied Ethics at The Faculty of Philosophy (University of Bucharest).


Câteva cuvinte dintr-un interviu dat de Carina Sava, co-fondatoarea asociației care organizează MMB:

Î: Ce i-ai spune unui artist la început de drum, care nu a participat la nicio ediție MMB până acum?
Carina: I-aş spune că nu e timpul pierdut 🙂 Eu cred sincer în învăţare continuă şi cred că ar trebui să fie valabil şi pentru artişti. Dacă te uiţi în jur, o să vezi că toţi artiştii de succes (români sau internaţionali) înţeleg foarte bine şi business-ul din spatele muzicii. Ştiu că nu e suficient să fii talentat, să ai voce sau să fii un songwriter bun. E important să ştii cum să-ţi exploatezi munca, să-ţi cunoşti drepturile ca să nu fii tu cel exploatat, să ştii ce să ceri de la un manager sau agent de booking, dar şi cum trebuie să te comporţi tu cu ei ca să te asiguri că nu se satură de colaborare şi aşa mai departe. Sigur că sunt subiectivă, dar chiar cred că MMB e locul ideal în care să înţelegi mai bine ce înseamnă industria muzicală.


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