Fitze de backstage

Limp Bizkit_Riga

Inaintea tuturor concertelor mari avem parte de aceleasi articole in tabloide presa: artistul X e plin de fitze si are nu stiu ce pretentii exagerate de la organizatorii concertului.

Cererile sunt de fiecare data cat mai inventive si absurde, ca sa le tinem noi minte usor si sa ne miram de viata super-starurilor: papuci brodati cu aur, sampanie din clipurile lui Jay-Z, trufe de zeci de mii de dolari, cactusi cu funda rosie, un midget indian care sa le faca masaj in spatele genunchiului, cabina decorata cu 1001 de lalele albastre importate dintr-un satuc olandez cu nume imposibil de citit etc etc etc.

Ceea ce nu se spune niciodata este faptul ca artistii platesc pentru „fitzele” respective.

Sa zicem ca 85% din profitul unui concert ajunge la trupe si 15% la concert promoteri (= Live Nation sau AEG live) (p.s. ma refer acum doar la trupele straine, ca in cazul evenimentelor mioritice nu am auzit sa mearga careva pe modelul asta). Ei bine, in cazul asta, 85% din cheltuieli sunt suportate de artisti si 15% de organizatori. Cu alte cuvinte, toate cretinitatile alea care apar prin presa, presupunand ca exista cu adevarat, sunt platite de artisti, din buzunarul lor propriu. Si bineinteles ca e in interesul lor sa scoata cat mai multi bani si sa nu- iroseasca, sa nu faca baie in lingouri de aur.

Asta asa, ca sa stiti pe viitor care sunt sansele ca toate stirile acelea despre pretentiile nebune sa fie exagerate. De cele mai multe ori, sunt date de organizatori doar ca sa faca astfel reclama showului pe ultima suta de metri.

Probabil ati auzit si voi povestea din anii ’80, cand Van Halen a distrus intreaga scena deoarece le-au fost servite in backstage bomboane M&M de o anumita culoare. Primul gand: „Vai, starurile rock, cu mintea in ceata de la alcool si droguri, cate fitze„, nu? Atunci cand in contract este mentionata vreo cerere care poate parea dubioasa, cu siguranta pentru artistii respectivi este importanta si are cat de cat logica.

Cum nu (mai) traim in jungla, toate concertele vin insotite de „riders” (contract rider, rider tehnic / de productie etc) – acestea contin toate cerintele / asteptarile pe care trupa si managementul le au de la organizatori privind:
– showul (cerintele tehnice, orele pentru instalarea scenei, ora la care incepe concertul etc, inclusiv curentul/generatorul de curent),
– biletele (cat ocupa scena? cate locuri libere raman pentru a fi ocupate? cate vor fi VIP, cate vor fi normale, golden circle etc),
– sponsorizarile (cum ar fi sa existe un sponsor al turneului si sa ajunga un concert sa se tina intr-un spatiu sponsorizat de un concurent direct?),
– publicitatea (media plan, dar si dreptul de a isi da acordul pe reclame inainte de a fi folosite, ca sa nu existe spoturi pe radio cu piese care nici macar nu intra in setlist si induc fanii in eroare – e doar un exemplu),
– transportul, cazarea, mancarea,
– securitatea,
– partea de merchandise (cum se impart banii? cine vinde produsele, cineva de la club, cineva angajat de concert promoter sau cineva din stafful artistului?),
– asigurarea,
– cine se ocupa de ‘licenta’ de la pompieri, ambulanta, primarie,
– conferintele de presa
– backstage-passes

Si multe alte detalii, pentru a evita orice fel de surprize si a aduce la minim riscurile.

Cu cat e turneul mai mare, cu atat aceste „riders” sunt mai mari, ajungand la sute de pagini.

Ia distrati-va si voi acum citind ce s-a intamplat de fapt in cazul Van Halen:

„Van Halen was the first band to take huge productions into tertiary, third­level markets. We’d pull up with nine eighteen-heeler trucks, full of gear, where the standard was three trucks, max. And there were many, many technical errors – whether it was the girders couldn’t support the weight, or the flooring would sink in, or the doors weren’t big enough to move the gear through.

The contract rider read like a version of the Chinese Yellow Pages because there was so much equipment, and so many human beings to make it function. So just as a little test, in the technical aspect of the rider, it would say „Article 148: There will be fifteen amperage voltage sockets at twenty­foot spaces, evenly, providing nineteen amperes…” This kind of thing. And article number 126, in the middle of nowhere, was: „There will be no brown M&M’s in the backstage area, upon pain of forfeiture of the show, with full compensation.” So, when I would walk backstage, if I saw a brown M&M in that bowl… well, line­check the entire production. Guaranteed you’re going to arrive at a technical error. They didn’t read the contract. Guaranteed you’d run into a problem. Sometimes it would threaten to just destroy the whole show. Something like, literally, life­-threatening.

The folks in Pueblo, Colorado, at the university, took the contract rather kinda casual. They had one of these new rubberized bouncy basketball floorings in their arena. They hadn’t read the contract, and weren’t sure, really, about the weight of this production; this thing weighed like the business end of a 747. I came backstage. I found some brown M&M’s, I went into full Shakespearean „What is this before me?”… you know, with the skull in one hand… and promptly trashed the dressing room. Dumped the buffet, kicked a hole in the door, twelve thousand dollars’ worth of fun.

The staging sank through their floor. They didn’t bother to look at the weight requirements or anything, and this sank through their new flooring and did eighty thousand dollars’ worth of damage to the arena floor. The whole thing had to be replaced. It came out in the press that I discovered brown M&M’s and did eighty­ five thousand dollars’ worth of damage to the backstage area.

Well, who am I to get in the way of a good rumor? Van Halen tends to make the news portion of radio more often than it gets airplay. There was the M&M riot in New Mexico where the band did thousands of dollars of damage to a hall when they were served brown M&Ms — their contract said the brown ones had to be removed. Well, who am I to get in the way of a good rumor?”



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  • Vrei sa spui ca la unii artisti li se impune sa faca gesturi exagerate inainte de concert sau in timpul acestuia doar ca sa atraga public. Trist. Eu chiar credeam ca unii artisti sunt mai fitosi si le place sa se se dea singuri in spectacol. Cel putin in muzica populara sunt cativa care singuri se dau in spectacol gratuit la fiecare eveniment fara sa le impuna nimeni, nimic. Dar fiecare industrie cu practicile si cutumele sale.

  • Nu stiu ce probleme are plugin-ul tau de facebook dar nu ma lasa sa trimit articolul in reteaua de socializare.

    • Am vazut ca multa lume are probleme in ultima vreme, tot da erori… O sa-l rog pe Hoinaru sa arunce un ochi. Pana atunci: shareuiti manual happy

  • Am distribuit direct de pe wall-ul tau ca este mai frumos asa big grin


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